Happy Sunday everyone, let’s not forget to be kind and thoughtful!!  Ahhh “thoughtful” some people don’t even know what this word even means. Life to some is I I I. But we continue to move on with life and do what we are suppose to do. Some of you may not know but I have had surgery on my right breast. This was a couple of years ago but it still makes me scared and nerveous because of what was taken out of me. People who were around me during that time weren’t t there for me. But I didn’t let that anger me I just moved on. Thank God for my mom who brought food watched the baby and my daughter and took care of me. Thank God for my husband who was  there supporting me. I couldn’t move my arm for a week nor lift my baby because of everything. If my doctor didn’t do the surgery to remove my duct I would be getting treatment or worst a mastectomy. I say this because people are so quick to think that their issues hold more merit than anyone else’s troubles. And that’s not true we all go through things in our lives that we wish people were there for but let’s be clear it’s not the support you want it’s sometimes the support you need. No one knows what another person is going through in their lives when you are going through things. People just assume that everyone is avail at every beck and call. NOT! This goes for everyone . I sometimes fall in that category but then I remember that I don’t know what people are going through . Just because people don’t tell you doesn’t mean they aren’t going through things . This isn’t a pity party but just helping to bring awareness to LIFE. Let’s also not forget what people , and ourselves have done in the past. Life isn’t perfect, we as people aren’t perfect let’s remember that. Sometimes a text or a call is what some need. THANK ABOUT IT! 

6 thoughts on “Have you thought!?!

  1. Hey sweetness
    You are so right, every one is going through something every day of our lives. I just thank God that no matter what He has not left me alone. Everyone else may leave you are not support you but God never leaves you nor forsake you.
    Be bless daughter.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was really nice reading this. People never realize what you are really going through sometimes. A friendly call or text from someone can be refreshing at times and needed.

    Liked by 1 person

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